Helping A Grieving Child

Posted on December 21, 2021 by Buckeye Cremation under Direct Cremation
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Everyone, especially children, is affected by grief. If a youngster in your life is grieving, there are several things you may do to show your support. Here are some suggestions on direct cremation in Gahanna, OH. 

In most cases, young children at home are the ones who are most impacted by the death of a loved one and the need to visit funeral homes. It’s always tough to help a bereaved child, whether you’re a parent, an older sibling, or a guardian because children think about life and death differently than adults. 

Most of the time, kids are unable to articulate or convey their emotions with their elders, and they continue to grieve in silence, which has a huge impact on their personal lives and ability to heal rapidly. The age, comprehension of the death, and relationship with the departed all influence how a kid grieves. 

While assisting a grieving child is difficult at a time when you are also mourning, you may use the advice below to make their grief journey a little easier. 


Involve Them in the Process  

Do not exclude the child from the funeral plans or family ceremonies following the funeral, as this may make them feel isolated. Many individuals try to keep the truth from children in the name of protecting them, but this usually backfires. 

Children’s participation at their loved one’s final farewell enhances their confidence and speeds up the healing process, according to research. If your child does not want to attend the ceremony, don’t push them to. 


Be Open and Honest with Them  

Try to communicate with them in an open and honest manner, and let them know that their loved one has left us forever and will never return. It may make them suffer even more, but in the long run, it will assist them in accepting and adapting to the new reality. 

You should also grieve alongside them to let them know that it’s fine to be sad, but they must remain “strong” and “forward-thinking.” Of course, saying it is easier than doing it, but with persistent work and care, you may assist them in fast recovering from their loss. 


Let Them Grieve in Their Own Way  

Remember that youngsters experience grief on a regular basis. At one time, they may be sobbing, yelling, and growing upset, and at another, they may be playing with their pals. Similarly, they may be pleased to converse with you in the morning but prefer to be alone in the evening. When young children are dealing with sadness, this is a natural occurrence. 


Boost their Morale 

A child’s vulnerability and lack of energy might be exacerbated by grief. Make an effort to engage them in activities or sports that they enjoy. Playing your favorite game is naturally therapeutic and can help you feel more optimistic about life. It also enables the child to express his or her emotions and feelings in their own unique way. 

You should also take them for a stroll, buy their favorite meal, play a game, or perform arts and crafts with them. Because it distracts them from their overwhelming sorrow emotions, children can communicate better when enjoying their favorite pastime.


Don’t Let them feel Guilty  

It’s a frequent symptom of grief for grieving youngsters to begin blaming themselves, especially if the loved one died abruptly or if they had a fight with the deceased in the days leading up to the death. Let them know that nothing they said or did contributed to the loss, and show them your unwavering support after the service. 

You can learn more about direct cremation in Gahanna, OH. Talk to us at Buckeye Cremation by Schoedinger to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services. Visit our office in Ohio or call our location.


For more than 160 years, Buckeye Cremation by Schoedinger has provided professional cremation options for families in different communities in Ohio. It is our obligation to help you in arranging and decision-making to make your life easier. We offer direct cremation services in Dublin, Columbus, and Grove City, OH.

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